Mara's Story

Listen to the Circus Project podcast: Mara's story

Circus is my lifejacket  — it rescues me every time. 

The Circus Project gave me my community when I first moved here from Mexico. They embrace people from so many different backgrounds and experiences, and we are all bonded in community when we are here. There’s a phrase in Spanish — la unión hace la fuerza — unity makes us strong.  I see this in action every time I’m at the Circus Project.

As an immigrant, it’s important for me to go to a place where I know I will feel safe, and the Circus Project makes that a priority.

Circus training has been there for me in the hardest times of my life. In 2013, I was diagnosed with cancer. It motivated me to change my lifestyle, and circus helped me build healthier habits. Circus sustained me during my treatment, both physically and mentally.  The act of lifting myself up with my own strength was so symbolic for me! 

This year, I can say circus saved me again.  This summer was very hard — The pandemic paused my immigration process, my job ended, and my relationships were suffering.  Joining the Elements Training Company and doing online circus classes kept me motivated and engaged while we were otherwise isolated.  My partner can always tell when I’ve had a circus class because I’m much happier those days! 

Circus is really not just about physical health, but about mental health even more.  Whenever I get a new trick I’m reminded — you are that strong!  You are that woman that can reach anything you want, step-by-step. That feeling of empowerment follows me to every part of my life.  

It’s a lifesaver, truly.  Quiero que todo el mundo tenga algo como lo que tengo yo con el circo — I hope that everyone has something in their lives, like what I have in circus.

I would you like to ask that you make a year-end gift to the Circus Project. Without a generous scholarship, I would not be able to participate in classes at this time in my life, and these classes have given me so much.  By making a gift to the Circus Project, we will elevate our community together, and bring stability in these uncertain times.  
